Meet Grace


Hello there!

Welcome to my lovely page that is ALL about me 😛 Just Kidding! I am the daughter of Capri (The brains) and that means I (The brawn) inherited her crazy creative genes to be a mad scientist. As for my father, he can build, paint and MacGyver anything…so…I am quite the mutt.

I enjoy doing all sorts of artsy things such as knitting, crocheting, sewing, painting and drawing, but I REALLY enjoy doing pottery. I have been taking pottery classes for the past year, and I am truly loving it. I’m hoping to sell some of the creations that I enjoy making in the near future so that others can enjoy it as well.

I love drawing and knitting the most as of late. It a wonderful past time in the evenings during the winter months. I often curl up with a cup of tea, in a cozy spot in the house with my array of sketching materials.

On top of that I also enjoy making earrings! My mother and I both love doing this together, so we will be selling the pairs that we make in the near future! If you want to see some of the creations that I have made, then click down below to check out my gallery!

I hope that you continue to visit as we continue to expand and innovate our site.


       Grace G.